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(Mon - Fri)
Gbagada Phase 1, Lagos
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Media Planning

We give the best Media Planning Services

OUR MEDIA PLANING SERVICES is made up of professional media research consultants rendering the following services: Conducts and/or procures research findings which are then formatted and bundled with appropriate software; Provides quality control oversight for contracted research work. Publishes formatted research results of audience measurement studies for marketing/media planning. Licensing of specialized marketing and media planning software and Provides associated consultancy training and support services for media planning, buying and control. These services are provided to Advertisers (Manufacturing/Service-based Companies) Media & Advertising Agencies Media Owners (Television & Radio Stations, Newspaper houses). Program Content Developers & Marketers We offer two major research products for subscription and two software for licensing: thinking in order for something to actually happen.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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